Conference expo: Integration Window
We are pleased to announce that CCI France Estonie is supporting a 2-day integration conference to be held at the Hotel Viru conference center.
This conference expo will enable you to discover the steps to follow to set up business in Estonia.
Date: Tuesday, October 8 and Wednesday, October 9
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Location: Sokos Hotel Viru Konverentsikeskus
📢 The “Integration Window 2024” conference-exhibition is a unique meeting place for Tallinn residents with a migrant background and experts in the field of migration.
✌️ For two days, you’ll be immersed in important areas and services of daily life.
👩🏫 In addition to presentations offering practical information, you can attend four workshops (Tallinn Room, Unemployment Insurance Room, Estonian Language Room, Security Room), gain additional knowledge and take part in discussions.
❗ Come and bring your friends!
❗❗ Guests with a migration background are welcome at the conference.
🗓️ Please consult the program:
October 8, 2024
9:30-10:00 Registration.
Morning coffee and fruit juice.
10:00-11:00 Conference opening and presentation of Tallinn Migration Centre services
Tallinn Migration Centre services
11:00-12:30 Workshop visits
12:30-13:30 Lunch 🥗
13:30-15:00 Workshop visits
15:00-16:30 Presentation 1: “Don’t get ripped off!”
Presentation 2: “The services of the Estonian Centre for Human Rights”.
Estonian Centre for Human Rights”
October 9, 2024
09:00-09:30 Gathering.
Morning coffee and juice
09:30-11:00 Presentation 3: “What do I need to know about taxes?”
Presentation 4: “Family budgeting”
11:00-12:30 Workshop visits
12:30-13:30 Lunch 🥗
13:30-15:00 Workshop visits
15:00-16:30 Presentation 5: “The ABCs of finding an apartment
an apartment to rent”
Presentation 6: “The ABCs of signing an employment contract
employment contract”
16:30-17:00 Closure of the conference
The conference-fair is funded by the ESF+ support measure “Supporting local governments in the provision of integration and adaptation services.”
Registration required, please click on the following link to register: Registration link
CCI France-Estonie is proudly affiliated to CCI France International, the worldwide network of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
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Copyright 2024 Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie France Estonie
CCI France-Estonie is proudly affiliated to CCI France International, the worldwide network of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
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Accelerate your business thanks to the 1st private network of French companies in 95 countries: 124 chambers | 35,416 companies | 4,000 events | 300 committees | 1,200 exclusive advantages
Exclusively for members of the CCI Françaises à l’International, discover the CCIFI Connect app.
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Copyright 2024 Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie France Estonie