Visit to the Printall plant in Tallinn: a deep dive into the printing industry
On Monday March 25, a delegation from CAdFE had the privilege of visiting the Printall factory in Tallinn’s Lasnamäe district.
Welcomed by Margus Liivamägi, head of the sales and development department, and Rémi Boisbourdin, sales representative for Printall AS, we had the opportunity to discover an essential facet of the Estonian printing industry.
Since 2001, Printall has been owned by the Ekspress Grupp, becoming in 2007 the first media company in the Baltic States to be listed on the stock exchange. Initially, the company produced a range of ten newspapers and ten magazines, mainly in Estonian and Russian, with no exports.
Over the years, however, it has expanded to export its products to eighteen European Union countries, as well as Iceland, with a primary customer base in Northern Europe and France.
France accounts for 20% of sales, as does Finland.
Printall has over 75 different French customers, with weekly deliveries guaranteed without fail.
The company’s reputation is built on its commitment to quality and punctuality.
Rémi Boisbourdin, a Frenchman living in Estonia and working daily at Printall, plays a crucial role in maintaining relations with French customers and in prospecting new markets.
His in-depth knowledge of French and Estonian cultures makes him a valuable asset, serving as a bridge between the two countries.
Printall’s annual sales are between 25 and 30 million euros, fluctuating according to the price of raw materials such as paper and ink.
Despite the digital age in which we live, the importance of paper-based media persists, particularly for weekly publications, which offer higher-quality articles and more polished photos.
The factory tour gave us a close-up view of Printall’s impressive operations. A huge three-storey printing press operates eight hours a day, producing more than ten different titles. Thanks to an ink spraying system with four main colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and black), over a thousand colors can be obtained.
The plant uses mainly two types of paper, sourced largely from Finland, with a stock of 1,000 tons sufficient for two months’ production.
Printall is also committed to recycling practices, 95% of the waste it produces is recycled, recycling aluminum printing plates and using the heat generated by its gas-fired machines to heat the building.
In addition, 15% of their electricity consumption comes from solar panels on the factory roof.
Over the years, the company has automated many difficult manual tasks, reducing its workforce from over 700 to 300.
It also has smaller presses for lower print volumes, adapted to more flexible and efficient production.
The atmosphere inside the plant is maintained at a constant humidity of 60%, thanks to vaporizers, to reduce the presence of static electricity, thus providing a healthy working environment.
Every day, 60 tonnes of paper arrive by truck, the equivalent of 4 to 5 trucks a day.
Our visit to the Printall plant gave us a better understanding of the importance of the printing industry in the Estonian economic fabric, and its links with French consumers. Despite the challenges posed by the digital age, Printall remains an essential player, offering high-quality printing solutions while remaining attentive to market needs and developments.
More information on Printall: https: //